The Uncontested Sound Of Metal! Metal never dies. Whenever it seems that the genre has been taken to the limit, a new generation comes along and redefines "heavy." The sound of modern metal sets a new standard for brutality and aggression, and to realize this sound, the bands that have led the modern metal movement for the last two decades have turned to the only guitar amps up to the task: the Peavey 6505® Series
Kaikki tuotteet Instrument Amplifiers
Peavey MiniMax 600
Rock solid construction with lots of tone in a small package that delivers.
Tuotenumero 7317922€429,00 -
Peavey Rage® 258 Combo
25W treenivahvistin tarjoaa mainion puhtaan soinnin ja maukkaan overdriven.
Tuotenumero 7283612€189,00 -
Peavey Vypyr X1
VYPYR X - soundit ja ominaisuudet omaa luokkaansa.
Tuotenumero 7317732€259,00